The Pet Hospital of MadisonDue to advances in veterinary care and responsible pet ownership, many of our pets live to be seniors. Pets may become frail and develop age-related disease. Sometimes despite all best efforts to the contrary, there are times when our pets can’t recover from illness and are suffering. As pet parents, we want to do what we’ve always done—provide the best care possible for our pet.

The Pet Hospital of Madison can assist with pain management and for any pet owner considering euthanasia we provide a one-on-one consultation. The Pet Hospital of Madison provides compassionate and respectful end of life care. We will help you to determine when the time is right for euthanasia, manage any pain, and provide a peaceful passing for your pet. We know it is important that your friend goes to trusted hands and so we highly recommend Paws Memorial Services.
Supporting you and ensuring a peaceful end of life experience for your pet is part of the compassionate veterinary medicine we provide.

PetMD provides an excellent article on what to expect when a pet is euthanized.

The Humane Society offers this advice on coping with the death of your pet. If you require additional support or have questions, ASPCA has a helpful Pet Loss Hotline at (877) 474-3310.

"Compassion, according to Miriam-Webster, is a sympathetic consciousness of others distress together with a desire to alleviate it.  You truly are the very definition of compassion. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring, not only for sweet Maddie, but for our whole family. While the hole in our hearts is huge from losing our tiny, furry joy spreader, your compassion is God's blessing to us to help ease the hurt. We appreciate your wonderful care for Maddie and all you continue to do for our family. May God richly bless you for the blessing you are to us.”

 --With Love and Gratitude, Kim

The Pet Hospital of Madison