The Pet Hospital of MadisonNowhere is The Pet Hospital of Madison’s foundation of compassionate care more evident than in our management of pet pain. We believe that no pet should suffer unnecessarily. Whether the pet is contending with acute or chronic pain, we work diligently to pre-empt pain, continually monitor for discomfort, and to adjust management measures to ensure the pet becomes and remains comfortable.

Pre-emptive Pet Pain Management

When we know a procedure that we are doing has the potential to cause pain in a dog or cat, we establish a protocol to prevent that pain from occurring. For example, in surgeries, depending on the nature of the procedure, we may need to administer pain medication prior to, during, and immediately following surgery. Staying ahead of the pain will keep pets from becoming additionally stressed and will allow them to focus energy on healing and recovery.

Our veterinarians and staff are trained at recognizing signs of a pet’s discomfort or fear, and we work to ease apprehension and always treat your pet with the gentleness and respect we desire for our own pets.

Chronic Pet Pain Management

Conditions such as arthritis, degenerative joint disease, cancer, or even long-term recovery from complicated surgery or injury can require a long-term pain management strategy. Depending on the location and intensity of pain and the condition being addressed, pain management may take the form of:

  • Nutritional supplements—Fish oil, glucosamine, and other supplements have proven to increase mobility and reduce discomfort in pets. Our doctors will work with you to select the most appropriate options.
  • Veterinary pharmaceutical treatments—Specific veterinary medications have been designed to address a wide variety of chronic pain conditions.
  • Veterinary chiropractic care—Improving the functioning of nerves through the spinal column has proven to also improve the body’s ability to heal. In conjunction with conventional medicine, veterinary chiropractic care has helped many pets.
  • Stem cell therapy—This emerging treatment for arthritis and degenerative joint issues has shown promise to offer relief for many suffering pets.
  • Surgical options—Some chronic pain stems from conditions that can be treated through surgery. Our veterinarians will advise you of all possible options for your pet’s unique situation.

Recognizing Signs of Pain in Pets

Pets hide pain as a protective measure so that they do not attract the attention of predators. This can make recognizing your pet’s discomfort very challenging. Pain can be an early indicator of disease, so any time you suspect your pet is in pain, call us for an appointment.

Some of the indicators of pain as described by the American Animal Hospital Association include:

  • Less activity or lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Restlessness or pacing
  • Inappropriate urination or defecation
  • Vocalization
  • Decreased interaction or hiding
  • Increased body tension, biting, or flinching when being touched
  • Pupil dilation
  • Increased heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure

If you suspect your pet may be in pain, contact our veterinarians and staff for a pet evaluation.

The Pet Hospital of Madison